
Tele-Evangelism Quote of the Day
I called on Jesus! I called on Jesus! Well, first, I called Charter, but then I Called Jesus! 02/03/11 9:38am, transgendered preacher to interviewer 

vote here: http://challenges.core77.com/contests/powers-of-10/ideas/623


mooresy said...

I love everything about this post. Given the context. All contexts, actually.
(Previous posts, religious society , dead Indian surveying contemporary totem pole ((what animal are you, Dylan?)), asterisks like so much fucking snow, etc.)

Or maybe it's just the coffee?

Oh and the 10^10 vid is great, and trumps the other videos! I love how the mesh of Martha and Doug's quotes starts to have an ambient feel, very RadioLab-ish. (http://www.radiolab.org/archive/)

Temps said...

That indian does not approve.

I agree, the best part of the video is the mesh of voices. It mimics the graphics and the idea of 10*10; one voice, idea, seed, making a larger and larger impact.

VA said...

oh my god!!! i can't believe you guys made something! haha it is sooo good! i love the comparison to the universe with the image overlays. nice!!

Kaitlyn said...

the most compelling couple of minutes i've seen in awhile.

also loving the im-so-over-it woods cameo in the beginning.