

documenting the character and diveristy of dt syracuse through sound mapping for this year's Transdisciplinary Media Studio (TdMS). using a sound/art/internet project called radio aporee. i'd encourage everyone use the search function to browse sounds of the places they've been/are/miss. you can set up an account with them (it's free, and fast) and begin to document your locals with sound.


casey s said...

the 'quarter short' is great. great variety of sounds in a rusty center. and maybe its me, but i wanted to see as well. im trippin

Unknown said...

you're not trippin, i want to see too! i'm working on that part now.

Rosalyn said...

This is really interesting. Last semester I took a class on poetry and the everyday...I'm sending this to my professor- it's right up his interest alley :) The class was basically about how we treat everyday space in terms of gender, class, politics, etc. and how we see this translated into literature. Have you ever read Georges Perec's Species of Spaces? Any of his works might interest you if you haven't.