
How many lines does it take?

A product of boredom during yesterday's review. Also, my studio professor is from Argentina and every time he says "Hokay guys" I have Juan-Carlos flashbacks.



HEYGUYSIT'SBEENTOOLONGWESHOULDCATCHUP. all of us. (I stole to keep it going)

I am taking "the material fringe" this semester which is a workshop that discusses the underlying theories of material, their effect, and their sensibility. We discuss past and current concepts regarding this subject through readings while learning the analytical and digital tools needed to approach this subject physically (Maya, Grasshopper, CNC). My group and I have chosen shredded paper as material to explore from wood ends, wood block, glass cullet, retired asphalt shingles and bark. A form work will also be explored in the same way to support and fuse the CNC with the untraditional material. The final development will be approximately the size of a door or small wall, but there is not a real limitation. Color and its application will be generated for the final construction, as well. If you have a tumblr we to post regularly to update the class. Follow aqui http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/materialfringe . I will post photos of initial explorations soon.


A storm rolled in from across the plains and emptied itself in the Mississippi..

Night lightning. Continuous shutter @ 1-second intervals over 2+ minutes.
There are dark calms and frying jolts like an argument between clouds.
The light is silent but the darkness growls.
(And in all things, patterns, how recharging cloud energy is bundled in the dark lapses,
how the seconds between light and thunder measure the distance between you and all that violence.)




i'm in an experimental radio course this semester. it's a vpa studio dedicated to the exploration of sound (recording, editing, manipulating, podcasting, etc). you can play along with us at our class blog. you'll find all of our listening assignments there (which we discuss each week), as well as our class podcasts (eventually). we have our first "track" due tomorrow, which is comprised only of field recording done last week. hoping to use some podcasting skills for the good of the collective quite soon.