
Facebook maps it.#2

Non-Collective stuff faded out, as suggested. The asterisks indicate directionality when needed. Also, the black-white background makes the lines easier to see, but is too much character in the pictures being lost w/out color? Or does b.&w. actually clean the whole thing up a bit? The version with color is below. Most importantly, is this interesting enough for me to go ahead and keep doing them? It could be neat as a series later, but only if it's interesting to other people. Thoughts?


Kaitlyn said...

i took joshs photo. dotted line me!

whit said...

i like the way the lines pop on the black and white one. but i also like the color images because it makes it seem more segmented between the people, which i think make the connections to the different people read stronger...sooo...indecisiveness

Lindsay Woods said...

I think I like the color combo of the first one better, i.e. the pics in color.

Apparently I am common but not collective...

VA said...

i think color works.

i really like this rendition much more than the first. asterisks are cute.

mooresy said...

Oh, Lindsay, it's not YOU that's non-Collective (eeek!) - It's the Haiti project, which I guess I was thinking represented another collective entity itself.

Although, now that I'm thinking about it, who's to say what's non-Collective? (Not me.) I'll change this. The point of a collective is to be inclusive, right?

Unknown said...


and is it bad that i want lots of hair-thin whimsical lines to replace the bolder ones?
...shooting stars anyone?

(see tyra's musical debut "Be a Star" for inspiration)

you may go deaf

Lindsay Woods said...

Cool, maybe this the connections take on another layer - like moment events (time)...or something