
some more spreads, a NCIED revival, and a Dillie-look-alike


mooresy said...

Draw all over those photographs. What does the "unit unit unit" refer to?

Unknown said...

definately feeling the new ncied renders. duh. i think the full bleed image of the panels with the "unit" text is really nice, but i'm wondering if it matches the rest of your work? seems to be at a discord with the other stuff.

VA said...

thanks... i'm working on a diagram to better communicate the "unit" idea...

RAMiele said...

big fan of the ncied renders.

there is one project in here that i have never seen before - the spread with the pictures of the bending plastic and string. it is pretty - what is that from?

i agree about the 'unit' idea, but i like the two page image a lot. i think it could be a good break in the consistency of the other pages, if it was a little more clear.

RAMiele said...

big fan of the ncied renders.

there is one project in here that i have never seen before - the spread with the pictures of the bending plastic and string. it is pretty - what is that from?

i agree about the 'unit' idea, but i like the two page image a lot. i think it could be a good break in the consistency of the other pages, if it was a little more clear.

RAMiele said...

also, that image of dylan-look alike is great, there is a new professor at clemson who is a future-dylan-if-dylan-was-slightly-more-hispanic-and-had-a-cool-accent. i will look for a good picture of him