
attempt at stealth recording

my boredom in charleston has lead me to record some activities...while my camera isn't dying. from romping around the charleston ghetto to hang out with my ex-heroine-addict friends, to old friends making it in show biz, to a date with someone at the avett bros where "come on" suggests the camera should no longer be in focus on the band. If you where there, you would have sworn Scooby Doo was trying to dance with you. Ruhroh. I find it all comical, and decided to edit it together with the almighty crappy WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER. Probably could have edited more out of the concerts but thought everyone could enjoy some live music...

enjoy this 6min clip of my life in charleston


Temps said...

intriguing, I do feel like a fly.

Unknown said...

meatballs, man! gymshorts! too many tattoos! this is great. i feel like it should be a t.v. series. slash this sort of satisfies my needin' some hali. this is great.

Kaitlyn said...

i love the blending of scenes with different colors and textures.