

Unknown said...

ok, honestly, when this starts, you are sort of like "oh, god. not another one of THESE." but i really love how the sound of all the systems is kept and how people are affected by the system. also, pretty one-takes are always nice, and i think a good place to start for beginning filmmakers. maybe we should start a one-take film competition blog-style?

Amy said...

Its great to see that this video finally made it to the internet. The label wanted to ban it from being embedded from the internet because it wouldn't make any money. However the band protested, stating that the web was just another outlet for creativity. Its reassuring that music is still being made for the art of music and not for the bottom line. I also love the use of umbrellas.

NPR has a great blurb on this video, check it out: http://preview.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=124532979

Kaitlyn said...

oh dylan that sounds like a good idea. gotta love a long take. also i couldnt help but think diller and scofidio minus the flames. it is really interesting how they incorporated the sounds though. i think the tv part is my favorite.