
Questionette, sin technical difficulties...

What’s your multi?
Local? Star[r] SC. Coming soon > Barcelona
Where were you born? Suburbs of Atlanta
Where should you have been born? At a contra dance.
Which COLLECTIVE contributor are you afraid of? Roz. Poets see more.
Like? Wimmy, because we were meant for each other.
Dirtiest job? dish washer
Define chaudy font? A font used so often it loses all graphic meaning.
What are you wearing? Shorts and a slouchy black sweater.
Reading? Borges
Eating? Cottage cheese with bananas.
Color penchant? Lights blues, greens and teals infused with grey.
Most failed ideas are good ideas with terrible execution.
Software vice? Auto-stitch for everything.
Most likely to play you in ANTM? Some chick they found in a bookstore.
Spice? Cloves.
What did the most beautiful space you’ve ever been in smell like? Campfires.
Sound? Distant drums and fiddles. Laughter.
Feel like to the skin? An embrace.
Worst client? My mother, because she hates the setting sun and refused all west-facing windows.
Are you a visionary, shape shifter, haphazard, doer, scavenger, or thief? Scavenger.
Grey or gray? Gr-e-y for cool tones and gr-a-y for warm tones.

Sarah E Moore
900 Agnew Rd.
Starr SC 29684