
notes from the studio moleskin...

(an early morning elevation for you)

this is going to be a simple post, as i am quite tired.

we might think of the following as rules we might try to keep in the back of our minds throughout the design process, and also just as fun observations.

in the context of urban catalysis:
1. it is not master planning.
2. it is not a house.
3. don't be a boyscout.

architecture nerdy things:
1. denise scott brown: if you want to know what the yale soa was doing in las vegas in the late 60's, watch the sopranos intro.
2. "dirty realism" & the film clerks actually discussed as a legitimate form of research for a convenience store program.
3. "urban ritual" and predicting the actions of local populations
4. a publication of naida and i's weekly angry rants about the death of urbanism and architecture not being poetry (sorry roz).
5. the danger of architectural proposals resulting from fantastical, functional rationalisms.

(collected notes from professors moran, sisko, and sanin for studio grey matter)

p.s. : guess what's going down this weekend!


Kaitlyn said...

movies as reference + architecture = sets for more movies.

make it WORK!

casey s said...

i knew clerks would come in handy one day.

try not to blow anybody on your way to the car.

Temps said...

That elevation is wurqing, so much so that it's looking like a section.

Unknown said...

hahaha... it was supposed to be a section so that's why it's labeled as such. turned out that i just really wanted to focus on that wall again, so it's more of an elevation--just cutting the road.

VA said...

that trees purtie. and purtie otta control.

Temps said...

Oh Swayze! All I noticed was "early morning elevation". I was too blinded by the documents sectional transparency to notice the label "longitudinal section". My bad.