
These are Please God Days

It is unbearable how people keep falling in love
with people far away. Not the lovers in different
states with their loins at convenient distances
so the only times are good times half way between here

and Cincinnati - somewhere in Virginia, skiing,
wine tasting - or not skiing and not wine tasting
but making love in hotels with seven-pillowed beds.
I am thinking of lovers who have flown through windows

to know one another better. For whom the fire is not
cleansing or warm, but cracks like the links of a metal
chain around their ankles, wrists, throats.
There is no perfect faith, she says, don't blame me.

When she says sacrifice is something she understands,
she means there is no God of courage. He tells her he is crumbling.
He keeps his resentment in his front pocket, fingering it
like a buckeye. Sometimes he holds it in the side of his cheek -

a damp apology. They sledge stakes in the yard and in the bed
and throw themselves against imaginary fences, falling
back into each other like wounded dogs trying to escape
the front yard. These are please God days when love is not enough

in the flood. She is languorous in the porcelain tub
when he comes home smelling sad. He takes her wet hand
out of the cloudy water and gently brushes his lips against her
knuckles. He stays there fore a long time, beside the tub

holding her hand. She steps out and stands in front of him.
A puddle forms beneath her naked body. He shudders, has to steady himself.
He can think of nothing better to say so he tells her he loves her.
Think of bad days as long distances, she says. You are a layer

of skin I can't explain. They drive past cornfields and graves
wanting to take back the ugly things they said. They carry
everything with them, words heavy as wood axes, waiting
for a clearing, for some moment they can comprehend, like this one.


mooresy said...

Ros -- damn, girl. damn. you do that thing poets only sometimes do, which is to twist a reader you weren't thinking of to tears.(read, me.)

RAMiele said...

i love it

Unknown said...

that got deliciously narrative, girlfriend.

Temps said...

pacing girl, can you make some pacing work or what. This one always makes me feel like I'm in a movie.

Unknown said...

wow, your work is great