
brainstorm session

I am also assisting for projections on a museum installation called "Rain After Ash".  It is about Craig Arnold, a poet who disappeared after traveling solo to look at a volcano in Japan.

Right now we are working on content and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the following:

What would you remember if you were dead?


Temps said...

What! I want to say smells, but I need to think about which ones. And that tingling feeling you get from fear, excitement, a stray hand etc...

Kaitlyn said...

i like that idea. however, it needs to be more of a visual thing since i am doing media...i'll definitely bring that idea up though.

Temps said...

oh duh, visuals. sunlight filtering through anything, trees, curtains, liquids, etc...

Temps said...

Not completely relevant, but related. I am obsessed with the account lately:

(near the end when he talks about waking up in the hospital)


Better explained in the above post.

VA said...

car lights on rain,
the feeling of your nose on my nose,

the simultaneous clinging and floating of loose clothes underwater, the mental clarity resulting from feeling known, even though you never know and are never known,

the sensational vocabulary based on memory you can build but never repeat.

Kaitlyn said...

the feeling of your nose on my nose...love it.

why does death remind us of car lights in the rain? it was my first impulse too.

temples- have you watched i shot andy warhol?

VA said...

the collective migration of singular entities toward loss of identity through immersion, release, homogenization.

halimeda said...

sequential planes like seeing double or like being underwater looking at the sky