
[pic links to website]

with the slight break in snowage comes a glorious new period in biking EVERYWHERE. this included the locally infamous carousel mall, central new york's biggest supposed "green" effort. this effort is apparently limited to painting various architectural elements green, as naida and i could not find bike racks. we also became interested in the breakdown of pedestrian fabric in route to the mall.

but i digress. i finally checked out SPARK contemporary art space, an art gallery/performance venue approximately 3 blocks away from me. it's sort of in the middle of no where, so you feel a little like mother teresa when you show up. there were plenty of people, though, and the place was selling pbrs for a dollar. i saw about 4 live sets and a couple artists' work for $6 bucks to charity.

this guy paulsen's paintings are more striking on the web than in person, and that's because he chose to paint what i think would be best in collage/a hi-res photo. he does a good job of getting meticulous details done, but the content risks being seen as immature if it's not executed flawlessly. anyway, i really love the ballsy tackiness, and think it is a fun commentary on something serious.


mooresy said...

I assumed this was a collage until you said otherwise! Unless he's elevating the work in terms of complexity with the paint, I don't much see the point (I guess he doesn't want to cut up dollars, but that's what high-res scans and prints are for...is it illegal to reproduce a dollar if it's 3 times normal size and then shredded afterward?)
The work looks impressive on the website as a series, proving Bruce Mau's: "If you like it, do it again. If you don't like it, do it again."

Temps said...

wow, these paintings are a perfectly simple commentary. Love it.

Unknown said...

hhahahah. i love the thought about legality. haha. i love everything you said in the comment, mooresy.

Joshua said...

i think the artist just wants people to know he can paint, but it's not the right application. nothing is being said about the act of painting. the subject matter is interesting, but the "meticulous painting" has an heir of penis envy.

Temps said...

well, I like it. Maybe it's not so great in person, idk. I didn't read the other comments first. my bad.

Joshua said...

I like it... I just don't like the fact it is a painting. I agree with what Sarah was saying about collage and printing.

Kaitlyn said...

i am completely not feeling this as a painting. we did something similar to this in high school with advertisements. we made a collage and then painted it. (it was an exercise in drawing what you see vs what you think you see. similar to the idea of drawings something upside down)

i digress...but my point is the collages had a much more powerful impact than the paintings.