
COO COO KITCHEN **Pilot Episode**

Hey ladies! Today Rachel and I launched our occasional, ad-hoc cooking show on Ustream.  Our show features only the funnest, funkiest foods fresh from the local CNY Market in Syracuse, as well as the local Westcott Co-op. Today's show stirred up some trouble with  past-roomie n all-around snazzy dancer LaSalle Tippens's Dank Browns, a wonderful over-filling take on the traditional, kinda boring hashbrowns. Right under my little nose was the adorable (and first-time un/official SIC-Collective Collaborator)  Rachel LeQuire whipping up some AMAZING Let-us-thank-him-for-our-food-god-bless-amen Cran-Coco-Choco Walnut Pancakes. These things were amazing. Future episodes will be announced a little before so you can catch us more easily! We'll also be posting recipes soon! Don't forget to check out the first 10 minutes or so archived on Ustream on the link under the image! Ciao!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

domestic goddess. once my show opens i will be able to crack open a bottle of makers and enjoy.