
one soon feels oneself shut in by impermeable layers of silence

preferable watch with no sound. this was a installation in reaction to reading light in japanese architecture by henry plummer.
i loved this book, here is an excerpt directly related to the work.

'the succession of thresholds, & their rapid arrival
& departure, are given added emotional impact by the alternation colors, the lavish reds echoed by complementary greens, just as the rising up of spring is echoed by the pulsing blood in human beings. each gate is a blood red birth of what is to come and the blood red death of what has been, forming a long chain of sudden initiations and sudden endings, flickering hot & coldso that a walk uphill is a blur of lifetimes....
the whole of life is an endless flow of resurrections, ceaseless yet always changing like a river, its separate moments impermanent & wave like, a series of footsteps along the Way.
whiteness purify & bleaching the retina, cleaning the imagination. This prelude refreshes the eye & heart with a numbingly while extinction of color, yet just at this empty moment reconnects us to the sparkling sea far in the distance. Every pore of space is inhabited with colred mist overflowing like vessells that can hold no more.'

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

que bella!

excuse the lack of the upside down exclamation point.