

ok, let me have it.

the ramps have very slight gradients, hatched are the rooftops of bldgs i made, greyed in existing bldgs. other parts grass landscape.


Temps said...

I see what your saying, showing, etc... but I need more info. The delineation between existing buildings and yours isn't obvious right away; darken that grey or just make them black. (Also, can't figure out what the "other parts" are)

Post a section and I'll help more.

So glad you got this, keep going!

VA said...

thx <3. ps i'm afraid of black

Kaitlyn said...

yeah, it's too subtle. and where are the ramps exactly? i can't tell.

casey s said...

siii im trying to follow the ramps up to it.. i like their form. an overly-complicated ramp to a simple structure would be fun¡

VA said...

what about an overly-complicated ramp to an overly-complicated structure (as in ncied)?

Unknown said...

SCALE SCALE I'M LOST. look at some roof plans/landscaping projez in that el croq, need more surface detail.