
astro turf and vray

-grass needs help.


Unknown said...

omg where am iiiiiiiii

VA said...


VA said...

it's not an actual board it's just some images real fast.

mooresy said...

I just had a V-Ray workshop this morning.... why didn't I use that sooner?!

Nice colors on these.

VA said...

idk... i thought it was hard?

the grass needs work. any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

it needs rabbits

VA said...

haha duh. i can add them using the cartoon style in the one just posted.

Temps said...

wtf. like the grass stuff down there. scaled rabbits, would actually clear up some confusion.

VA said...

yea they haven't been arranged in any particular order yet... i just wanted to show what vray could do.

i am going to photoshop images from google earth under the grass to give it a little more dimension.

will be workin all night on this, hopefully it'll all make sense in the mornin.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


mooresy said...


casey s said...

faint contour lynez

VA said...
