
These Bitches are getting published. Everyone is sucking right now and you know it. love, VA and Andrew


Kaitlyn said...

it kills me how i can't zoom in. gotta love a well formed composition. it sucks you in.

in other news i miss architecture.

Temps said...

everyone but you Kaitlyn. the lack of zoom is strange. of course you miss architecture! You'll be back at it soon enough.

Joshua said...

i think you judge too quick. did you read the text or was your reaction kind of a gut instinct? the idea of a city scale vacuum is interesting especially since it is created with this transportable armadillo structure. the effort is sincere and is fully developed. the images, diagrams, and drawings explain the scope of the project. there are short comings with their use of processes, but i would not say this sucks by any means. it's intriguing, and it grabs attention, while communicating an idea. sometimes that's all you need. you should look at the winning skyscraper of evolo...

Temps said...

What do you mean Josh? of course I love this project, it's wonderful!

Joshua said...

oh, your title is a bit ambiguous. These bitches are getting published. I couldn't tell if it was like good bitches or bad bitches. And I didn't know who everyone refers to... us the collective or wider world. i guess your response is telling haha.