
sharing time.

everyone has a folder in their computer of beautiful/ugly pictures they come across. what does yours have in it?

download mine here.


laws said...

God...my hero. (That's you, not god, by the way.)

I keep mine as hard magazine clippings...but I should start keeping a digital edition, too. Most of what I "collect" online are pdfs, including several incarnations of Natalie Angier's essays about raising her child as an atheist (incidentally).

Temps said...

Love these. I have too many! Some of mine are physical too, I'm on it though!

Temps said...

Some of mine here:

The funny thing is, they're not other people's images, but I didn't make them either. Junk that made its self.

mooresy said...

Ha! We saved one of the same pics.

Unknown said...

temps: itself is one word.

interesting to see some overlaps...